Discounts on Spanish Trains for 60+
Travelling in Spain? For people aged 60 and above RENFE offer a discount pass called the Tarjeta Dorada, which costs €6 for a year.
On AVE and Larga Distancia (long distance high-speed) trains
- Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Saturday: 40% discount
- Friday, Sunday and Monday: 25% discount
On Avant (mid-distance high-speed) trains
- Monday to Friday: 25% discount
- Saturdays and Sundays: 40% discount
On Media Distancia Convencional (Regional Mid-Distance) trains
- 40% discount
Cercanías (Suburban) trains
- 40% discount
FEVE trains
- 50% discount
You can only buy Tarjeta Dorada when you arrive in Spain. You cannot book tickets without knowing the number of your pass. This is not as big an issue as it first seems in that for long distance trains you will more often than not find a cheaper advance Promo Fare. The advantage of the card is when you make last minute bookings or travel on trains that do not offer Promo fares and on local trains.
Find more information click here.